Thursday, November 29, 2007


 Disney’s latest princess feature movie is Enchanted is an amusing one that plays more happily to the all-important four quadrant ideals than anything else the studio has released this year. However, it’s a charmer with severe reservations.

Its a fairy tale land of Andalasia, Giselle (Amy Adams) is preparing for her wedding to Prince Edward (James Marsden),stepmother, Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon).Narissa pushes Giselle does magic and she comes to New York City. O When attempts by Narissa’s henchmen (Timothy Spall) to kill Giselle fail, the Queen heads down the fountain herself to finish the job, while Edward traipses around the city with a rodent pal vowing to save his fiancée.

Its a  2D animation fold for the Disney company.c

Director Kevin Lima does a excellent job pinpointing the fairy tale aesthetic for Enchanted, jamming the film with talking animals, lavish costumes, and bouncy musical numbers. There are also a hundred references to other celebrated fantasies, most presented in an obvious fashion (single slippers, poisoned apples) so the audience can make a game of spotting the tributes.

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